Manage Your Debt - Let's Explore Your Options


Credit Report

Debt Free, The Power of a Plan and One Client's Goal

One client shares his story of becoming debt free and building a wonderful credit future.

FTC Launches New, Multilingual Resource for Identity Theft Victims

New resources for people impacted by identity theft.

The FICO Credit Scoring Method to Help Those with Little or No Credit

Getting credit can be difficult if you do not already have credit. Learn what FICO has come up with to help people build a good history using their normal bills.

Five Credit Card Balance Transfer Moves You Need To Avoid Failure

A balance transfer may be a good option for getting out of debt and reducing interest rates, but there are critical steps that each person should take before they apply for that new credit card.

Why a Debt Validation Letter May be Exactly What Debt Collectors Want

The idea is great, ask a debt collector for proof you owe a debt and if they cannot produce it, you do not have to pay. However, the reality of using this tactic may yield very different results.

Credit Review Program Gives Military Members the Edge Against Fraud, Misuse

Often targets for bogus financial services, military members, veterans and their families need ways to monitor their credit.

How a Stranger May be Your Best Bet for Getting Out of Debt

Everyday we are inundated by articles, sound bites, Tweets, and commercials telling us how we should be managing our money. But we all have choices and finding an unbiased person to help you make those important financial decisions can be critical to your success.

Pay a Friend to Stop You From Spending? It May Work

Struggling to avoid using your credit card? It may be time to think outside the box to get out of debt.

Loans that Hurt So Good: Confessions of a Credit Counselor

Whether you are struggling to make ends meet, have an unexpected emergency or looking to consolidate debt a loan through a finance company can seem like a saving grace - especially if you have some credit issues. What are the real costs of those loans and are there alternatives. We'll find out.

Call us at (888) 864-8548

and your counselor will review your credit report, analyze your financial situation and help you find the option that's best for you.