Manage Your Debt - Let's Explore Your Options


Debt Free, The Power of a Plan and One Client's Goal


This note is many years in coming. I think of you folks often and am so very grateful for your support and advocacy when I found myself in such desparate need. I became a client back in 2002. I was about

$15,000 in credit card debt and plagued with endless collection letters and phone calls. I was a slave to minimum monthly payments that I knew would never get me anywhere.

I was always employed and had worked very hard. One year I was forced to take a huge cut in pay which threw my entire life into turmoil.

After years of trying to make ends meet, credit cards helped cushion me each month. There were  no vacations, no new clothes, no extravagances - simply the basics. Even after having seen ads for your organization on TV, I felt like calling to ask for your assistance would have validated what I began to feel about myself - that I was a loser.

The rep I spoke with understood where I was coming from and assured me I was on the right path. We worked out an appropriate monthly payment, got creditors to end the calls and nasty letters, and even had my accounts re-aged. I monitored my statements each month and was quite surprised to see just exactly how quickly my debt went down. After 4 years of hard work, I finally did it - the final payment. It was, of course, difficult but my only regret is not having called you folks sooner.

A decade later, I am a homeowner and have a FICO score that is higher than 90% of the population. I can get any loan or account I ask for. I learned valuable lessons and guard my credit diligently. Despite the peace I currently experience, I remember very well the anguish of once being in debt. I owe so much to you there - thank you.

If you ever need a testimonial or my help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank You!

Mike S

Worcester, MA

Published Jun 29, 2015.