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Employment Update - Uptick in Seasonal Positions

According to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas, the holiday hiring season is off to its strongest start since 2006.  Almost 151,000 jobs were added in October, this is three times more than were added in 2009.  During the 2009 holiday season October through December 501,400 jobs were added (Linn, 2010). 

The best news is that, in a survey conducted by Career Builder, 40% of employers that are hiring seasonal workers plan to transition some of them into full time positions (Linn, 2010).   If you are currently unemployed, seasonal work is worth considering as it may end up becoming a full time job.  For more information, please visit the Today show.

Linn, Allison. 11/08/2010. Holiday Hiring Could Provide Some Holiday Cheer.

Published Nov 8, 2010.