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GET STARTED NOWAFS Compliance and the Council on Accreditation
American Financial Solutions is preparing to undergo re-accreditation review by the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA is a national organization that sets standards for quality service and sends teams of experienced professionals to visit our organization to ensure we are meeting the highest standards.
Part of the reaccreditation process includes receiving help from you. Specifically, your feedback. It is very helpful for COA to know what you think about our services. Be on the lookout for the COA Survey Invitation in January 2018!
Now we’d like to introduce you to Angelique. Angelique is our Compliance and Data Administrator and is responsible for walking AFS through our accreditation and helping us maintain high quality standards. She has been with AFS for 15 years. Below are her words about her position and the importance of the COA standards.
Working with COA standards is a weird job and an even weirder one to explain. My go-to line when asked “so what do you do for a living” question is “I review standards, rules and regulations that my organization must meet to be accredited.” This is followed by more questions: “Do you like it?” “Yes.” “Can you explain what it is you do exactly?” “Kind of?” Whatever way the what-do-you-do-for-a-living question comes up, there’s no good way to clearly describe my role. My explanation inevitably comes to not much more than “I sit at a computer all day,” which doesn’t do the job justice.
The most intuitive way to explain my work with COA standards, it’s about breathing life into a concept and then making it concrete and tangible…it is a little bit like magic. Well…if magic were overly concerned with logic models, processes, policies and procedures. This allows for us to begin with a vision of what it is we are working to accomplish while simultaneously getting a feel for the bones of our organization.
No matter how I explain the intricacies of my day-to-day work, the most gratifying aspects are connecting the standards to our clients and stakeholders and circling back to the overall mission of American Financial Solutions; to help people improve the quality of their lives through financial education and counseling.
Published Dec 7, 2017.