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For Moms Managing Finances Advice, Support and Hope are Available

A 2010 survey performed by researcher iVillage, found that an increasing amount of women are making the financial decisions for the entire household. The survey discovered 61% of moms are in charge of the family’s finances and 41% expressed they would like to be more educated when it comes to financial decision making. Only 37% responded that they would seek information from a financial advisor (Making the Case for Financial Literacy 1).

There are many reasons people might not want to seek out information from a professional. Embarrassment, distrust, inconvenience and cost are some of the barriers people face.

So what do you do? The solution may be easier than you think.

American Financial Solutions is a trusted, non-profit credit counseling agency. Our certified credit counselors have helped many people develop plans for getting out of debt, kick starting savings, and working out creative ways to budget. We have even helped people deal with bankruptcy and foreclosure situations. The goal is to help the person – not to judge. When we say some advice, a plan and some hope – we mean it.

We also make finding answers easy for you. Take a peek at our website and find numerous articles, videos and classes covering everything from credit scores to homebuying. And, there are many ways to contact us.

  • Complete a simple and quick online contact form on our website,
  • Use our live chat feature, or
  •  Call toll free.

Finally, most of our services are free. Cost should never be a barrier to improving your financial life.

The bottom line is we are all faced with difficult financial decisions.  Find the financial knowledge and support you need to help you handle money and debt situations and make positive decisions that benefit you for life. Take control of your financial life; contact an American Financial Solutions credit counselor today. Gain knowledge and peace of mind.

 [iVillage, iVillage and PASS from American Express(SM) Partner to Launch The Talk to Mobilize Moms to Talk to Teens About Money, September 15, 2010,]

Published Mar 11, 2013.